It's All About Self Respect and Love

Okay, so let me just say there is one best friend of mine, she is a lovely nice girl. Okay, sometimes she is a little bit annoying, but I also like to bother her too - lolol - so let me say we're equal. One day she is fall in love to someone, but she always told me that she does not deserve him. I asked her why, she told me that she has made a lot of mistakes in her life and she's hard to have a child (because her past illness), so she doesn't deserve anyone that is too good or too nice. Short story, the man treats my friend the way she thinks she deserve (a.k.a. take her for granted).

There is also a pretty woman. She has a nice sweet boyfriend. Her boyfriend is smart, actually this woman is also smart too and maybe even smarter than her boyfriend (?), but sometimes she's just a LITTLE bit lazy. Okay, that is a sarcasm and this woman actually is me. Lol. But you know what, I used to feel insecure with myself and that used to make me think that I am not good enough for him. When I told this to my boyfriend, he was mad at me. He said he never think about that even just for a second  and he told me to stop thinking about my self that way before I make him think so too. So, I stopped.

Sometimes there are times when we can feel a little bit insecure with ourselves and I think that is humanly. Sometimes some things that is just "a little bit" maybe won't hurt, but when you come into a conclusion that you don't deserve anyone that is better than you (at least in your thought), you need to STOP. Why? Because there is no one that is better than the other, at least we, human, can not measure that. Only God can do that, right? Everybody has made mistakes in their life and that makes us human. Nobody's perfect.

Yesterday I watched a movie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. There are 2 lines in this movie that make me realize something: 

Sam: Why do I and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we're nothing? 
Charlie: We accept the love we think we deserve

Yup, that is really true. WE ACCEPT THE LOVE WE THINK WE DESERVE and I can't agree more. 

So, why do you think this can happen to us? For me, the answer is self respect and love for ourselves. Do you remember that song The Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston? It said that the greatest love off all is by learning to love yourself. I think that is really true. I know sometimes it's hard to do, but if  even you (yourself) can't love you for you, then who will? You get what I mean? And by learning to love yourself, you'll learning to have self respect too. And by loving and respecting yourself the way you are, there is no one that will treat you like a shit simply just because you won't let them to. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent (by Eleanor Roosevelt).

So let's take a deep breath now. Don't let anyone said that you are not good enough (especially yourself). Remember everyone has made mistakes. You have made mistakes. I have made mistakes and I believe that I'll make some more in the future. You have flaws, I have flaws, everybody has flaws. But those all that make us who we are right now. Don't forget, we all deserve the best (^▽^)

With love,

- A girl who has made many mistakes and has many flaws, but still awesome ;) -


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